Katrina will always fight for everyday North Dakotans.

Chip in now to help her get to the Senate!

Our senator shouldn’t be afraid to face the wolves. I won’t be.


Not your typical politician

Katrina embodies tenacity, translating convictions into actions. Her mission is unwavering: to empower North Dakotans with government resources for their success. Throughout history, North Dakota's legacy has been prioritizing its people. Katrina vows to tirelessly champion their cause, advocating for farmers, ranchers, laborers, teachers, essential workers, and the land. With unyielding determination, she confronts challenges with thoughtful, tailored solutions.

What Katrina stands for

In America, we value our freedoms. Katrina will work to guarantee your freedom to privacy and freedom to work, live, and retire with dignity. She will fight for the freedoms that empower individuals, families, and communities to thrive and succeed.