Former ag commissioners endorse Christiansen for U.S. Senate

Published by KX News | March 1, 2024

JAMESTOWN, N.D. (KXNET) — Former North Dakota Agriculture Commissioners Sarah Vogel and Roger Johnson both endorsed Katrina Christiansen for the U.S. Senate.

According to a news release, Katrina for U.S. Senate campaign announced the endorsements on Friday, March 1.

These are the first endorsements, which solidify the momentum and support behind Christiansen’s bid.

“In the face of immense challenges, our farmers and ranchers and rural communities persevere, but the grip of ‘Big Ag’ threatens their future. I endorse Katrina for election to the U.S. Senate, as she stands for family farmers and ranchers and rural communities. She supports strong antitrust law enforcement and farmer-friendly agriculture policies, not ‘Big Biz,'” said Commissioner Vogel in a press release.

Christiansen responded by saying. “I am deeply honored to receive endorsements from Commissioners Vogal and Johnson. They define public servants who have dedicated their careers to protect the farmers and ranchers of North Dakota. At a time when corporate consolidation is plaguing American agriculture, Commissioners Vogal and Johnson took a stand. I proudly look forward to carrying their mantle in the United States Senate.”

The endorsements reflect a coalition from across the state who are rallying behind Christiansen’s vision for change and leadership. The campaign looks to continue the momentum, engage with voters, and build a united front.




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