Katrina Christiansen on the Issues 

Build Upon and Strengthen the ACA

The Affordable Care Act was a monumental piece of legislation that helped over 25 million Americans gain quality, comprehensive healthcare coverage. I support the ACA as it significantly improved our healthcare system and made sure North Dakotans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage. Additionally, I am for the expansion of Medicaid in North Dakota. This would help over 2,000 working-class North Dakotans who are not offered health care through their jobs. 

Make the Rich Pay Their Fair Share!

For far too long, the rich and powerful in this country have taken advantage of the U.S. tax code at the expense of the working class. Over the past 40 years, the rich have received four significant tax cuts. It is past time that the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in the working class and help pay down the $30  trillion debt. 

Lower Taxes for the Middle and Working-Class North Dakotans

I am running to give a hand up for working-class North Dakotans.  If given the privilege to serve you in the U.S. Senate, I will vote to permanently extend the Child Tax Credit, which reduced childhood poverty by over 40 percent. Additionally, I would vote to enhance the Earned Income Tax Credit,  which would help put more money in the pockets of working-class North Dakotans. 

Protect Medicare and Social Security

For decades, working-class North Dakotans paid into Medicare and Social  Security, so when the time came for them to retire, they could have the peace of mind that they would have quality health care and income to succeed. Despite numerous attempts by Republicans to gut both of these vital programs, they have continued to deliver quality benefits to our nation's senior citizens. I would vote to protect and strengthen these critical programs.

Clean Up Our Government

As a political outsider, I recognize the corrupt ways of career politicians in Washington. If elected to the Senate, I would support the STOCK Act, banning members of Congress from buying stock and sending stock shares previously bought into a blind trust. I am all for rooting out corruption in our government.  I also support term limits and will not serve more than three terms. North Dakotans have lost confidence in the government due to inaction and enrichment by lifelong politicians. 

Take On Big Ag

Farmers and ranchers are the backbone of North Dakota’s economy and have been putting food on the table for  Americans for generations. Due to corporate consolidation, four meatpacking companies own roughly 80 percent of the meat packing industry. We are seeing this all over the agricultural industry, as corporations dramatically increase their prices while the ranchers and farmers do most of the work and are left out of the deal. As your Senator, I would work to reduce marketplace consolidation and strengthen antitrust laws to ensure that farmers and ranchers reap economic benefits from their labor.

Protect a Woman’s Right to Choose

I firmly believe in protecting every woman's fundamental right to reproductive healthcare. This includes safeguarding access to abortion care, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and affordable birth control options. Reproductive decisions are deeply personal and should be made by individuals in consultation with their healthcare providers, free from political interference. I am dedicated to advocating for policies that ensure reproductive freedom and healthcare autonomy for all women, empowering them to make the best choices for themselves and their families without obstacles or judgment. This is not just about health; it's about equality and dignity for every woman in America. I would vote to codify abortion healthcare, set by Roe.

Support Getting Rid of the Filibuster

The reason why North Dakotans do not trust our government is that they see nothing getting done on issues that help benefit their lives. This is the case because Republicans are abusing the filibuster to block health care, child care, worker protections, and dozens more. Getting rid of the filibuster will help increase transparency in our government and allow us to debate bills on merit. Additionally, it would preclude the need for complex pieces of legislation that are thousands of pages long. 

Protecting Our Southern Border and Democracies Abroad

I am committed to securing our southern border while also defending democracies abroad against adversaries like Russia in Ukraine. It is imperative to address border security to ensure the safety and integrity of our nation, implementing smart policies that balance enforcement with compassion. This includes giving border patrol the funding they need to help stop drugs from coming across the border. Additionally, we must stand in solidarity with democratic allies facing aggression from authoritarian regimes. Supporting Ukraine and other nations under threat is not just a matter of international relations; it's a reaffirmation of our values and a crucial step in safeguarding global stability and democracy. I pledge to prioritize these critical issues and work towards comprehensive solutions.

Support Innovation in North Dakota's Agribusiness and Energy Sectors to Take on Climate Change

North Dakota is most at risk for extreme heat, drought, and flooding. 2021 was a drought year for much of our state, while 2009 brought us severe floods. While both have happened before, the climate change risk is increased regularity and severity that imposes significant costs on human life, livelihood, and security. As Senator, I will support actions such as tax incentives to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and for clean energy vehicles,  investments to speed the transition of our economy from fossil fuels toward renewable sources, and more funding for renewable energy research. When I think about clean energy, I see Americans with good-paying jobs and everyone with  more money in their pockets due to lower utility bills.