Red State Candidate STUNS with MEGAVIRAL Ad Against MAGA Stooge

Video Published by MeidasTouch | April 21, 2024

Fred chats with Senate candidate Katrina Christiansen who is currently taking on North Dakota junior Senator Kevin Cramer. Katrina proudly claims North Dakota as her home—where she raises her family and works to shape a brighter future. Katrina understands the struggles facing the working class. As a child, her family lost their farm. She then grew up with the help of federal programs like Head Start, Food Stamps and W.I.C. She went on a stellar academic career and completed her education with a Agricultural Engineering and holds two patents from her research work at a prominent agricultural processing company. Katrina is currently a professor at the University of Jamestown and is the official Democratic nominee for Senate. Learn more about her campaign at:


Katrina Christiansen, Candidate for US Senate in North Dakota | The Dakotan's Election Central


ND U.S. Senate candidate Katrina Christiansen criticizes Senator Kevin Cramer on voting record