WATCH NOW: U.S. Senate Campaign’s Viral Ad in the Heartland

Published by Daily Kos | December 5, 2023

Today, Katrina Christiansen, Democratic candidate for the United States Senate from North Dakota, unveiled her campaign launch video, "Wolves," giving North Dakotans a chance to hear directly from Christiansen about her background and why she is running for U.S. Senate. To Katrina, this race is about putting North Dakota first and having an advocate in the U.S. Senate who will fight for the middle and working-class, not wealthy, special interests.

The video symbolizes the relentless and predatory nature of corporate America and wealthy special interest groups, portraying these entities as wolves that prey on the American people. Christiansen describes herself not as a politician but as a fearless leader ready to confront these formidable challenges head-on. The video represents her commitment to stand up against the influences that have long dominated politics and to be a voice for the people.

Christiansen, mother, engineer, and educator with a deep understanding of the issues facing North Dakotans, asserts that the time has come for leaders who are not afraid to face the 'wolves' at the door of democracy. Her message is clear: it is no longer acceptable for elected officials to be beholden to corporate interests and pharmaceutical giants, compromising the needs and well-being of the constituents they are supposed to serve.

"With the release of 'Wolves,' I am sending a message that my campaign will be about facing the tough challenges, not shying away from them," said Christiansen. "I am here to represent the people of North Dakota, not corporate America and special interests. It's time for a Senator who is truly of the people, for the people, and by the people. Just a few years ago, North Dakota had a Democrat representing our state in the Senate. They said it couldn't be done before. Well, I'm about to do it again. The Senate majority is up for grabs in 2024. Join me. Together, we will win this race."

The video provides a glimpse into Katrina Christiansen's passion for public service and the values that drive her commitment to representing the people of North Dakota in the U.S. Senate. "Wolves" is now available here on social media platforms.

It is crucial that Democrats hold the Senate, and understand the 2024 Senate map is challenging. That is why we must compete in every state with a history of electing Democrats. This seat was Sen. Heitkamp's seat and was held by a Democrat from 1960-2018. Katrina is running against Kevin Cramer, an unpopular official who has lost three times before in the state and isn't sitting on a lot of campaign money.

Senator Cramer is vulnerable if we have the funding needed to expose his terrible voting record to voters. Senator Cramer:

  • Cosponsored the federal abortion ban

  • Voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act five times

  • Voted against capping insulin at $35 a month

Meanwhile, Katrina is a product of rural America who personifies the American Dream. She grew up in a town of 1,115 people. When she was young, her family lost the farm. Her dad was a laborer, who was constantly struggling to get by. Katrina grew up with the help of federal programs like Head Start. Through hard work and determination, she was her high school class valedictorian and earned her Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from Iowa State University. Her work focuses on value-added sorghum processing and biofuel production economics, where she holds three patents from her research work. Katrina is running to have a government that works for working-class people who feel forgotten.

Katrina can win this race, but she needs your help. If you can pitch in $5, $10, or even $20, it would go a long way to helping us win and put the states in the heartland back on the map for Democrats.


Katrina Christiansen Campaign announces high donation totals going into 2024 election season


Katrina Christiansen posts strong fundraising numbers in Q4, raising over $177,000 in 72 days