Letter: Vote Trygve Hammer and Katrina Christiansen for our soldiers, veterans and democracy

Published by The Bismarck Tribune | June 1, 2024

Memorial Day thoughts.

Politicians and voters who support the U.S. military, but support Donald Trump are very confused. Trump not only disrespects the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, he gives aid and comfort to the enemies of freedom and democracy in a way destined to put more Americans into harms way for years into the future.

Trump’s only consistent foreign policy position is to support dictators, particularly Vladimir Putin. Because of his friendship with the Russian dictator, Trump says he can free an American journalist (which is quite ironic since he wants to jail journalists here.) He also says he can end the war in Ukraine in a day. He can’t because the Ukrainians won’t stop fighting for their freedom, but Trump can virtually guarantee a Putin victory by withholding weapons and support for Ukraine.

When Putin seizes Ukraine, he’ll move on to NATO nations Trump also refuses to support. Moldova, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will be next, and Finland will be threatened. And that will just be the start.

History tells us that a dictator’s hunger is never satisfied. When Hitler was appeased and allowed to swallow Czechoslovakia it was only the beginning. Darkness and dictatorship will spread across Europe. Meanwhile, encouraged by American isolationism, China will take Taiwan and expand in the Pacific.

Substitute Russia and China for Germany and Japan and American soldiers, like in 1941, will be forced to sacrifice for the weakness of appeasement.

Another future is possible. Support Ukraine in its fight. Stop Putin before he grows. Support democracy and freedom. Save the Republic and restore the Republican party to a pro-America party not to one that is pro-Putin.

Vote Trygve Hammer and Katrina Christiansen and stand up for our soldiers and veterans and democracy.

— Opinion by Tracy Potter


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